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Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache
Hey everyone, Today we will be solving one of the most asked questions in coding interviews which is to design a data structure for LRU cache.
It should support get and put functionality.
Get — give you the value of the key if it exists in the cache otherwise return -1.
Put — Add the value of the key if it’s not already present.
- When the cache reaches its capacity it should invalidate the least recently used item before adding the new one.
- If you put a key that already exists — replace the value of the key with the new value.
let cache = new LRUCache(3) //new cache with capacity = 2cache.put(2, 2)cache.put(1, 1)cache.get(1) //returns 1cache.put(3, 3)cache.put(4, 4) //removes key 2cache.get(2) // returns -1cache.put(5, 5) //removes key 1cache.get(1) //returns -1cache.get(3) //returns 3cache.get(4) //returns 4cache.get(5) //returns 5
Data Structure will have following properties: